Symptoms of hypocalcaemia and hypercalcaemia

Calcium is stored in the bones, and plays an essential role in the contraction of muscles and the firing of nerves. An overload or deficiency of calcium may cause problems in the muscles and nerves, which can in turn affect many other parts of the body. To protect against this, the parathyroid glands are able to sense blood calcium, and release parathyroid hormone (PTH) when needed, to maintain blood calcium levels within a tight normal range.

People with hypoparathyroidism (hypopara) have low levels or completely absent PTH in the body, and as a result, blood calcium and phosphate levels cannot be controlled. This can make it difficult to maintain calcium levels in the normal range, and blood calcium may often cycle between peaks and crashes. In order to avoid this, it’s important to find the range of calcium where you feel best. The ‘normal range’ can vary from person to person, so understanding the signs of high blood calcium (hypercalcaemia) and low blood calcium (hypocalcaemia) is helpful in understanding your condition, and being able to explain symptoms to a medical professional. Keeping a record of symptoms, current medications, and assessment dates in a diary can be useful when discussing care with a doctor.

Below is a list of some of the general symptoms of hypocalcaemia and hypercalcaemia. This is by no means an exhaustive list and is not to be used for the purpose of self-diagnosis, please call or see your doctor or other healthcare professional should you have any healthcare related questions.